Community Connections

Adobe-Community-ConnectionsAdobe has recently been making a push to significantly improve the user experience of their community support resources (likely, at least in part, to Articulate’s excellent user-group support forum). Adobe’s relatively new ‘Community Connections‘ page is a add-on to their revamped product communities (i.e. Photoshop, Captivate, and tons of other products).

Per the Community Connections page,

If you’re looking for inspiration, networking opportunities, or a chance to share or give input on an idea, you’ve landed in the right spot. This space is your platform to connect with your peers and form a virtual international café lounge where you can unlock one another’s creativity. This is an area dedicated for you to chat about topics that don’t directly relate to product help and support. For questions or issues with your product, account, or subscription please post in the appropriate area using the menu on the welcome page.

From this initial page, you can add to the ‘conversations’ – which at this time, seem largely to be complaints. I’m sure everyone, especially Adobe, would like the posts on this page steered more toward “check out what I made!” or “I’d like to do this, but not sure how”…

(or, as is posted at the top of that page, “Please note, this is for creative conversations only – ask your product questions at“)

So if you have anything to contribute or ask, head on over to the new Community Connections page!

If nothing specific springs to mind, note that from that page you can also visit:

Adobe-Community-EventsLocal and Worldwide Events: The Events section lists upcoming conferences, exhibitions, user meetings and online live shows that teach users about Adobe products and services. Lots of potentially great events are already listed, there is a calendar, and you can submit your own local event.

Adobe’s products and services are at the heart of a vibrant global network of events, from the amazing Adobe MAX conference to local User Group meetings. In this space we highlight some of the upcoming conferences, meetings and shows; both real-world and online, that you can be a part of. Click the links for more information, or use the Google Calendar to add the dates to your personal diaries.

Adobe-Community-ShowcaseShowcase: The Showcase section features the latest tutorials, articles, videos and blogs by our Adobe Community Professionals.

In this area of the site we showcase the latest and greatest tutorials from our Adobe Community Professionals, who have created these free articles and videos to help you make the most of Adobe’s wide range of products and services. New content is added regularly – just click the Follow button to be kept up to date!

AdobeCommunity-FameWallThe Wall of Fame: A list of Community Professionals and other helpful folks who have gone above and beyond to help Adobe users.

If you’d like to be part of the Wall of Fame, you can! Demonstrate how you are making a difference in the forums, whether it’s contributing answers to questions, coming up with visuals to illustrate your answers, activating your communities to get engaged on the forums or bringing in new ideas to make the Adobe forums the welcoming and productive place we all want it to be.

So just who are these Adobe Community Professionals, you may ask?

(pay special attention to 8:20 :))




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