Category Archives: Development Tools

Text-to-Speech in Captivate 8

CP8 and TTSCaptivate continues to provide one of the more robust text-to-speech (TTS) features among the various authoring products. It not only ships with multiple voices but can access the TTS options on your Windows computer as well (I’m not sure about Mac system access though).

But it’s not necessarily an easy process to setup, so in concert with eLearning Brothers, I submitted a post “Captivate 8: Working with Text-to-Speech and Voices” a couple weeks ago – though I’m just getting around to mentioning it now 🙂 Continue reading Text-to-Speech in Captivate 8

Creative Cloud 2015 – Upgrade Cautions

CC2015-installIssues01Adobe recently released a pretty substantial update to their Creative Cloud (CC) product. Included are updates to many of the products, a return of Adobe Stock Images (though at additional cost) through a partnership with Fotolia, and a variety of bug fixes (release notes and a much-more detailed blog post on update specifics).

CC2015-stock01Update with caution! With substantial updates to the child products, when you install each update the default option is to have the previous versions *removed*. This is different than previous updates’ defaults and is a concern for a variety of reasons: Continue reading Creative Cloud 2015 – Upgrade Cautions

Ay NPAPI! Chrome and eLearning Support

This has apparently been in the works for over a year, but it’s just recently popped-up on my radar as a I’ve received a browser extension warnings for a few tools…

Plugin Blocked‘NPAPI’ is the ‘Netscape Plugin Application Programming Interface’ architecture used for a majority of web browser plugins – such as Quicktime, Flash, etc. It was initiated by the fine folks at Abobe in order to help integrate their PDF technology (Acrobat) with the web experience. You can read more about the history of NPAPI at Wikipedia.

Google’s Chrome browser has planned dropping support for NPAPI plugins since 2013, according to that article, due to “NPAPI’s 90s-era architecture [becoming] a leading cause of hangs, crashes, security incidents, and code complexity.”NPAPI support deprecated

So more recent versions of Chrome have blocked any such plugins from running without explicit permission which, to me, was fine (in the guise of a bit more secure). But now, with Chrome v42, such plugins just won’t start at all!


Continue reading Ay NPAPI! Chrome and eLearning Support

Caffeinated Lectora News

LectoraLogoThe pace at which Trivantis strives to improve their Lectora product is like the Avengers on coffee drips. Just a few months after the 12.0.1 and 12.0.2 updates comes a significant 12.1 release. While some features are more an effort to catch-up to competitors (i.e. character libraries), others are setting new bars. With the Lectora Inspire 12.1 release, there are several notable updates… Continue reading Caffeinated Lectora News

Cloud Applications, Anecdotal Support

I’m not 100% sold on ‘cloud-based’ (SaaS, whatever-current-term) applications. Generally, I want to be able to work with my installed applications without being dependent on an internet connection. Despite the ever-rising prevalence of ‘always on’ connections, such connections DO go down…or have unusable latency, or are just saturated, or the Cloud service is unreachable, or…cloud-what

Continue reading Cloud Applications, Anecdotal Support

New eLearningChef Logo

eChef-Logo_src2What do you think of our new logo?

I really liked the lighthouse, an ‘enhanced’ picture we took of the local , historic Thomas Point lighthouse…but it didn’t have much to do with eLearning…
(plus the lighthouse theme is one better suited for our CapeMedia website)

So we whipped the new logo together last Sunday – took a pot, put in some related books I’ve had on the bookshelf for a few years, added a small tablet and a whisk (can you see them?)…then brought into Photoshop and cropped and cleaned a little, added a handle, overlaid a word-cloud, then some ‘simmering’ effects…

Does it work? I think it works well. And, hey, I’m an overall chef, not a sous-chef. If I wanted a professional logo, I’d have hired a professional graphic artist 🙂

Interactive Video in Adobe Captivate 8

We’ve talked about this a bit on our Recipes page, but eLearning Brothers asked for a more detailed contribution, so here it is:

Helpful Tip: Interactive Video in Adobe Captivate 8

In brief, Captivate allows you “to place a video on the actual Captivate timeline as ‘synchronized’ video. With the video playback extended along the timeline itself, you can match other Captivate components with that playback….So not only can you time captions and callouts with the video, you can also overlay click boxes.”

Need to step someone through the any particular process? Film the process, integrate the video into a Captivate project, then overlay click boxes to stop the video and ask the learner to ‘click the next step’ – maybe it’s a button to press, or select the correct piece of equipment, or identify a safety hazard…

Provide feedback on the learner’s click and continue the video playback, showing the correct ‘next step’ in the process.

Video is a great way to demonstrate any given procedure…and you can enhance actual *learning* by asking the user to actually interact with the video (albeit to a limited degree).

Visit the eLearning Brothers site to learn more and for links to a sample published project and the source file (Captivate 8). The sample project uses two videos from the eLearning Brothers rather deep ‘Stock Assets’ portfolio.

Any other tips or suggestions regarding video and Captivate 8? Share those thoughts here in our Comments, or head on over to the ‘eLB’ site and share there!

Camtasia Studio 8.4.4 Update & Tutorials

Techsmith released their Camtasia Studio 8.4.4 update in November (!); guess it had been a while since I loaded their software. I was notified when Camtasia asked if it should check for updates. If that doesn’t happen, you can click Help > Check for updates.

So just a quick post in case anyone else out there was in a similar position and hadn’t checked in a while, whether not having occasion to load Camtasia or dismissing the ‘should I check’ dialog in their eagerness to develop…

Fair warning, it’s a large download at 247.23 mb!

Per the Version History page… Continue reading Camtasia Studio 8.4.4 Update & Tutorials

Lectora 12.0.2 update…

Lectora has another service pack release…so quickly after their 12.0.1 release in January!

On one hand, now that’s responsive! On the other, maybe they should have QA’d the 12.0.1 release a bit more closely 🙂

Patch for Inspire

Patch for Publisher

Only a few updates in this release…

  • Using the “Go To Web Address” action to open a PDF document in Run Mode no longer crashes Lectora.
  • Issues that prevented button actions and effects from rendering properly in Internet Explorer have been resolved. Tags have been added to all published pages to prompt IE to run in compatibility mode in order to ensure the most modern browser experience.
  • Users can now use the Enter key to select a button in published content when JAWS is running and the Web Accessibility Settings option has been set.
  • Issues have been resolved that required users to select the “OK” button twice in a pop-up message when working with published content from titles using Web Accessibility Settings.

“As with all Lectora updates, users will receive the service pack through the auto-update inside the product, or they can download the service pack update program on our website: You can navigate to this page by selecting Support > Downloads & Release Notes from the main menu.”

See our previous post on the initial Lectora 12.0.1 patch release for a bit more detail and insights on Lectora…

2015 Top Ten eLearning Stats and Trends

I’m wary of infographics – a lot seem to be needless representations of info that could just as easily, and perhaps more clearly, be presented as good old text…

But this is pretty cool.

2015 - top 10 elearning stats

(repost from eLearning Industry’s “Top eLearning Statistics and Facts for 2015“)

Additionally, Adobe released their ‘2015 Trends Report‘. It does require a form submission (name, email, etc)…but if you already work with Adobe products, they probably have all that information anyway 🙂
But do note the ‘Notice’ at the bottom of the page…